about me
this is where you can learn something about kakelovebot

how to make kage/kean's day complete
daily dose of happiness for kean / kage

open letter
never-ending message for kean /kage


This account is solely made for giving love and affection to Kean Zen Castañeda / Kagehanji Ethan Castañeda. This is made by his fiancée to cheer him up and makes his daily mood light or lifted.

How to make kean/kage's day complete?





Ditching Homework


To Kage / Kean

ㅤ I have tried to think of a way to show you how much I appreciate all the little things you do but nothing will be enough. I have never been happier. I used to have this feeling that is was too good to be true, but I know now this is real. Sometimes I am grumpy and intolerable, all humans are at some point, but you have never strayed.

ㅤㅤThank you for the little things, kisses, hugs and cuddles they mean everything to me. Those little messages you send me in the morning is more than that. And I feel as though sometimes I may come off as ungrateful but I want you to know I appreciate everything and look back everyday and see how lucky I am to have you.

ㅤㅤThank you for the big things. One of the biggest things you have done for me was caring for me. Whenever I am sad I know I can count on you to make me smile. I can count on you to be my shoulder to cry on. I have always wanted someone who would do anything for anyone and you do exactly that. Your kindness is something I never take for granted because there are people who do the opposite.

ㅤㅤThank you for the memories. The last year has been one of the best due to all the places we have been to, the things we have accomplished and all the moments in between.I will always remember sneaking out on every wedding we attended. Those wre one of the best nights of my life. I remember feeling that I was in love you and I was glad everyone else seen that.

ㅤㅤThank you for dealing with me. Lets admit it, I was a wreck before you. I never thought I was good enough which has been an issue I have always had. But some how you have managed to put the broken pieces of me back together. Because of your help, I am almost a new person. I have a new-found confidence due to the respect you show me and how you do things to build me up not tear me down. I still cry at the dumbest things like chick-flicks, but that's me.

ㅤㅤThank you for your friendship. Everyone says to be in a relationship, you have to have friendship. I think being together strengthened our friendship and has made us more compatible and more open with each other. I am glad we can be goofy with one another and have our inside jokes but we can still be serious in the moments that we need to be. I am lucky enough to say I am in love with my bestfriend.

ㅤㅤThank you for being you. No matter what situation, you are you. There is no "hidden mask" with you. You are truthful and when you believe in something you aren't easily swayed. I love that about you. You have this sense of humor which at times is mostly dad puns, but you know how to make me laugh. I know you joke and say you have a cold heart that only melts for me, but you are one of the sweetest guys I have met. You are one You have all the qualities I want in a guy and I would never want you to change a thing. I know there is no such thing as a perfect person but you are pretty close

ㅤㅤSometimes we get irritated and annoyed with each other, but I know that what we have is very special. You fixed the broken pieces of me and I could never be more grateful. When I see you, I see the future and I cannot wait for the rest of our adventure. Everyday we create new memories and strengthen our relationship and I am so thankful for that.

ㅤㅤI will never forget the day you asked me to marry you. And I promise those butterflies will never die no matter how long we are together.

ㅤㅤSo to my choochoo: thank you for every day. I love you.